About Us
Dewey Gardens LLC is committed to maintaining the inherent character and feel of a place and it's environs while seamlessly meeting the goals and expectations of our customers. We provide highly informed and inspired design solutions for our clients along with knowledgeable and efficient installation services. As a result, our customers experience a seamless transition between the design and installation phases of our design/build projects along with integrating a detailed maintenance schedule to ensure the continued success of our existing relationships.
dan dewey, President
Dan Dewey obtained a BFA in History from St. Lawrence University in 2001. Additionally, he obtained an Associates degree in Landscape Construction from the Stockbridge School of Agriculture at UMASS Amherst in 2006. He is an AOLCP (Accredited Organic Landcare Professional) through NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) and obtained his MCLP certification in 2006 (MA Certified Landscape Professional #1482). Additionally, he is a licensed Hoisting Engineer by the MA Dept. of Public Safety, carrying both a 1C and 2A classification (#169971).
Dan continues his education at workshops, online design webinars and trade shows on a regular basis and enjoys giving industry related talks whenever possible. His designs have won awards at the Newport Flower Show and at the New England Flower Show in Boston. Dan is out in the field daily, working with our crew and customers, striving to create the best product possible day in and day out. In addition to running Dewey Gardens, Dan serves on the board of the West Barnstable Civic Association and is a ski patroller at Magic Mt. Dan, his wife Erika, and their two sons, Jed and George, live in the village of West Barnstable.
susan dewey, lead designer
Susan Dewey is a Garden Club of America judge, a long-time member of the Osterville and Worcester Garden Clubs, and an award winning floral designer. She is a lifelong gardener with extensive experience in perennial gardening and landscape design.
Susan provides design consultation services and is actively involved with our existing customer base. She is also responsible for running our 1,200 square foot hoophouse that produces year round organic vegetables and seasonal flowers.
Supervisor/Lead Gardener
Connor has been working with Dewey Gardens since 2020. He is a valuable member of our team and has continued to increase his knowledge and skill set with each season. He holds a current MCLP certification.
our staff
Dewey Gardens’ staff includes a team of dedicated, hard working individuals who take pride in their work. They are educated about the tasks that we ask of them and are concerned about our customers satisfaction. At all times, we attempt to ensure that there is good communication between our customers, employees and senior staff.
Above all else, Dewey Gardens works with customers to meet their unique goals while maintaining the integrity and vitality of the environs in which we work. Now in our eighteenth year, we are determined to provide responsible, creative solutions to all the landscape opportunities we encounter and we look forward to doing business with you!